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tv   ABC World News With Diane Sawyer  ABC  September 24, 2012 5:30pm-6:00pm PDT

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tonight on "world news." war and peace. the president and governor romney face off about how to stop a nuclear iran. and this just in, barbara walters here tonight on what president and mrs. obama just said to her about life after the white house. a new hope for breast cancer. is this mysterious clue the answer for tens of thousands of women? the kennedy tapes. tonight, hidden tape recordings of a fully human president, angry, probing, a little girl under his desk now all grown up telling you the biggest thing she learned about her father. an abc news exclusive. and family reunion? everyone who thought they were stealing the show at the emmys last night, were put under by a tiny gladiator from our "modern
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family". today, she show us what she's really like. good evening. as we come on the air, president obama and republican presidential candidate mitt romney are in a duel over war and peace. 43 days before "your voice, your vote" the question is this, how does the united states stop iran from getting a nuclear weapon and taunting both of the candidates from the sidelines, the president of iran, mahmoud ahmadinejad is in new york, he's at the united nation. also in just a moment right here, abc's barbara walters will be here because she just spoke with the president and mrs. obama. but first, abc white house correspondent jake tapper at the united nations with what happened there. jake. >> reporter: good evening, diane. today's political back and forth represents the highest of stakes with president obama coming to
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the united nations meeting with more than 100 world leaders, some of them potential u.s. enemies for the annual meeting of the general assembly. as president obama arrived in new york city today, mitt romney is focused on comments the president made to "60 minutes" about whether the recent events in the muslim world gave mr. obama pause about supporting the arab spring movement. the president said no. >> i'm sure there will be bumps in the road. >> reporter: in pueblo, colorado the republican nominee berated the president accusing him of down playing the serious threats. >> he said the developments in the middle east were bumps in the road. yeah, that was my reaction. bumps in the road. we had an ambassador assassinated. >> reporter: the white house insisted the president was referring broadly to transformations in the region. >> there's a certain attempt to grasp words and phrases to find political advantage and in this case that's profoundly the case.
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>> reporter: this debate comes before an intensely serious international back drop not just unrest in the muslim world but iran's alleged nuclear weapons program and its potential threat to u.s. ally israel. iran crane's president mahmoud ahmadinejad flashed a peace sign to the u.n. today but war is on the front burner, one opening discussed launching a preemptive strike against israel if the jewish state is poised to attack. the unthinkable dilemma. what would the u.s. do if iran attacked or threatened israel or israel preemptively attacked iran. romney is using the many challenges in the region to paint the president as weak. >> look at are entire context. assassination, 20,000 people killed in syria. iran close to becoming a nuclear nation. these are far from bumps in the road. >> reporter: the president responded with a challenge of his own. >> if governor romney is suggesting that we should start another war, then he should say so.
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>> reporter: and tomorrow morning, diane, president obama will address the u.n. assembly a senior administration official said the president will reiterate his firm commitment to making sure iran does not obtain a nuclear weapon. diane. all right, jake, thank you. as you know, while the president is in new york at the united nations, he and mrs. obama sat down with the women of "the view." their first time together their. and barbara walters is there with an exclusive preview of 43 days to go before the big vote. how do they seem? >> he's very different when he's with her. she's very relaxed. very affectionate. he says he's funny. she said she's funnier. then we talked about more serious issues, which is of course the economy. >> governor romney on "60 minutes" was asked, does he think it's fair that he pays a lower tax rate than somebody who is making $50,000 a year. he said yes, i think it's fair and i also think that's the way
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you get economic growth. i just got a different vision about how we grow an economy. i think, barbara, you grow an economy from the middle out, not from the top down. >> reporter: and with 43 days to go, we asked the president and first lady about the future, win or lose, come election day? >> what are you going to do with the rest of your life? >> well, first thing's first here, we do have an election ahead. and i've got -- there are all kinds of things i want to do in the second term. putting folks back to work and making sure our schools are up to snuff, and we have another war to wrap up. >> and then? >> i love teaching. i miss teaching. and, you know, i'm not sure i'll necessarily be in the classroom but the idea of being able to go around in various cities and helping to create mentorships and apprenticeships.
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just giving young people the sense of possibility and opportunity. >> she should run for office, but she says she doesn't want to. >> you know -- [ applause ] >> yeah, i -- look. michelle would be terrific, but temperamentally, i just don't think -- >> no, it's absolutely true. it takes a lot of patience to be the president of the united states. and i'm not that patient. >> and, diane, he says that he doesn't like to show emotion all through the day. she says she does. >> right, she has said that often about him and herself. we will all be around the television tomorrow to watch the entire interview with the president and the first lady tomorrow on "the view." thanks so much, barbara. >> thank you. and we move next to the news about bank piece. a new report showing an unprecedented increase in atm piece. how do consumers feel about this new development and how do we
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know if it's happening to you? we asked matt gutman to find out. >> reporter: nationwide bank fees on the rise and they're hitting you right in the atm. >> how much do you pay? >> $3. >> $2, $3, $4 is just insane. >> reporter: a new report shows atm fees at record his. up 4% since 2011. every time you use an atm not your own, getting charged an average of $2.50. >> what does it feel like trying to access your own money and having to pay to access your own money? does that bother you? >> yeah, i think it's wrong. >> reporter: the most expensive city, denver then new york, seattle and san francisco. but that's not all. your own bank can hit you with fees if you use another bank's atm. for the first time you might spend over $4 for a transaction. and other fees are also on the rise. the free checking account is becoming a dinosaur in 2009 banks offered 76 of customers
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free checking. today, 39%. and the new report also shows checking account fees up 25% since last year, now averaging $65 a year. >> they're going up at a rapid pace. and that's unlikely to change any time in the foreseeable future. >> reporter: the american bank association counters that the average bank account costs them $350 a year. they say they warned that the new financial regulations would end up costing consumers more. and that's just what happened. matt gutman, abc news, miami. and a shot of adrenaline to the economy today from apple. over three days, over 5 million have been sold and that's one million more than the previous version over the weekend. overseas in china, the company that makes these phones is dealing with a mysterious upheaval that began with cell
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phone videos. you see them here being sent out. thousands of workers in a foxcon factory, rioting, flipping over cars, smashing windows. in the past the company has been criticized for pun irk the work schedule, small regimented work conditions. it's unclear if these rioters were rebelling against that pressure or if it was, quote, a personal dispute. as the company said, 5,000 riot police were called in. the factory was shut down. now a big headline about breast cancer. more than 200,000 americans will be diagnosed this year alone. but there's news tonight about a ground-breaking study. in the journal "nature. it is being call aid road map to possibly curing the disease. abc's chief medical editor dr. richard besser is here to break it down. rich, we said ground-breaking. it's about the different kinds of breast cancer. >> this is really is a break-through study. what it does, it adds to our
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understanding, when it comes to cancer, it may matter less what part of the body it's in. the lung, your breast, colon. what are the defects that cause them to grow out of control. in this study we looked at hundreds of breast cancer tumors. what they found, there were a variety of defects that caused them to be cancer. and each of those is a different disease that takes a different form of treatment. >> different treatment. what can begin soon? what will begin? >> one of the really surprising findings for one of the hardest types of breast cancer, triple negative disease. it's about 10% of breast cancer. they found that those cells genetically were more closely related to ovarian cancer than breast cancer. some are trying use ovarian cancer treatments to tackle that. it opens up all kinds of avenues for potential treatment. it's very exciting. >> treating it as a ovarian cancer in effect, not just as breast cancer? >> it is located in the breast but it acts like a ovarian cancer.
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>> always you take people's questions and we answer them online. we can check online as well. thanks, rich. still ahead on "world news," john f. kennedy's secret tape. revealing a president's private anger, his probing, his questions. the stories behind the iconic picture, john john playing in the oval office? sister caroline kennedy remembers. flu protection with a 90% smaller needle. a 90% smaller needle. announcing fluzone intradermal vaccine, a 90% smaller needle, wow that's...short. to learn more talk to your health care provider. [ female announcer ] fluzone intradermal vaccine is fda approved for 18-64 year olds. it shouldn't be given to anyone with a severe allergic reaction to any vaccine component including eggs, egg products or a prior dose of influenza vaccine. tell your doctor if you've ever had guillian-barré syndrome.
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and now an abc news exclusive. the hidden tapes from the kennedy presidency. as we know, john f. kennedy loved raw history and he installed a microphone right there in the famous oval office desk. and there was another one there in that coffee table in front of him. the result of portrait on tape of a fully human president, questioning crisis. often exhausted, frustrated and laughing. there's a new book out tomorrow, "listening in" contains transcripts and a cd of the recordings. it has an introduction with his daughter caroline kennedy who sat down with us. you're there inside a presidential life, 265 hours of audiotapes and listening to them all these years later, a little girl all grown up who lost her father when she was almost 6. >> i remember really clearly being under the desk, making
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necklaces and trying to get candy from the grown ups who were around. >> reporter: caroline kennedy said it's wonderful today to hear him laughing when she walks in demanding attention. >> i won't let you do much. >> reporter: that sound is little john, pounding under the desk, no idea he's hitting a microphone. father, relaxed. >> it was really like being in his company while you're listening. that was a really wonderful feeling for me. >> reporter: and what you hear on the tape is a man impossibly calm in crisis. intelligence discovered the soviet placed nuclear missiles inside cuba, aimed at the u.s. >> how far advanced is this? >> sir, we've never seen this kind of installation before. >> not even in the soviet union? >> no, sir. there's bound to be reprisal from the soviet union which
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leaves me only one alternative, which is a hell of an alternative. >> that's a pretty vast statement. >> however calm and steady in the cuban missile crisis, he could unleash irritation on small things. here a defense department official spent a lot of money on furniture for pregnant mrs. kennedy if she went into labor and he's furious. >> wasn't to find out who paid for that furniture and i want the incompetent who took his picture next to mrs. kennedy's bed. i wouldn't have him running a cat house. >> reporter: nowhere are the tapes more moving and revealing than the secret moral issue than the struggle for civil rights. the great issue tearing the country apart. and after a young man james meredith creates a crisis by enrolling in the all white university of mississippi. >> james meredith was inspired by my father's inaugural address
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and decided then he wanted to enter the university of mississippi. so then this whole drama unfolded. >> reporter: this is the president taking on the staunch segregation as the governor of mississippi wanted to inject meredith into an angry mop. >> why don't you give an order to have him removed? >> how can i remove him? when there's a riot in the street? he may step out of that building and asking happen to him. i can't remove him under those conditions. >> mr. president, i took an oath you know to abide to the laws of this state. you know what the laws are. >> the problem is, governor, i got my responsibilities, just like you have yours. >> reporter: kennedy sent in the u.s. marshals and the national guard to restore order, and james meredith became the first black graduate of ole miss. >> following that the riots. and all of the troubles closing in, threatening his second term. it is his last november. the president sounds exhausted.
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>> politically, the news is somewhat disturbing. >> reporter: a little boy climbs into his lap. hello. naughty naughty. >> why do the leaves fall? where do we go to the cape? to hyannis port? >> because it's summer. >> it's summer. >> reporter: then 11 days before he's assassinated -- >> tuesday, november 12th. >> reporter: the last words on the last tape are about the hard battle ahead. >> and so our lot becomes more difficult. >> reporter: our lot become more difficult. and that's it. last words. >> i love that. i think that's really -- i thought it was really moving, and obviously, knowing what happened, he understood how difficult all of this really was. >> reporter: john kennedy once told his friends, life is a struggle, and to be president is getting to struggle in a tremendous sort of arena.
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>> that's what the presidency is. >> right. but that's great and you're hopefully making things better. so i think that that's really kind of the most kind of rewarding life he could have. so i think he did that. >> and you can hear a lot more from those tapes and from caroline kennedy tonight on "nightline" and tomorrow on "good morning america." and coming up here, do you remember team usa dominating beach volleyball at the olympics, flying leaps, impossibly flat abs? there's a secret we didn't know until now. [ male announcer ] this is anna, her long day teaching the perfect swing
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bright red paint lying around. speak of little ones. of all of the whacky ways to soothe a baby, this one might take the prize. take a look. 4-month-old sebastian crying, incontrollable until the theme from "star wars". listen. his parents have tried other songs, they say, but only the "star wars" theme ever works. his mom said she did watch the movie a lot when she was pregnant. whatever the explanation, the force is with the sleep-deprived parents and parents sleep deprived everywhere. coming up, emmy's big night, jimmy kimmel, julianne moore and the pint-sized girl who stole the show. ing better. so now i can be in the scene. advair is clinically proven to help significantly improve lung function. unlike most copd medications,
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in absolute perfect physical condition and i had a heart attack right out of the clear blue... i'm on an aspirin regimen... and i take bayer chewables. [ male announcer ] be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen. he's my success story. [ laughs ] and finally tonight, the tiny girl who made a lot of miss chief last night at the emmys. as you probably know she play a wise-cracking dynamo on "modern family" today abc's nick watt walked right into the little lion's den. >> reporter: all the grownups -- >> and the emmy goes to -- >> reporter: glitz and glamour, and a 5-year-old stole the show.
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>> shouldn't you get to make up? >> honey, i just came from make up. >> really? yikes! >> reporter: did you have fun last night? >> yes. >> reporter: why? >> because we stayed up all night! >> reporter: walking to the stage to collect best comedy with the kid who plays manny, her step uncle? a modern american family. aubrey anderson-emmons plays feisty lily, adopted daughter of two gay dads. >> forget the bride. all eyes are going to be on her. >> oh [ bleep ] who's your favorite person on the show? >> sofia. >> you look so pretty today. >> can someone tell me what the heck she's saying? >> reporter: you're not really mean are you? >> no. >> reporter: but you're a good actor? >> yes.
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>> ty, they're ready for ya. >> thanks honey. hey, what's up? she's very good. too good. already an emmy legend. nick watt, abc news, los angeles. and we thank you for watching. thank you, nick we're always here at abc and "nightline" later. and i'll see you back here again tomorrow night. good night. new trouble for chevron, now under criminal investigation for breaking air quality rules and ready to face questions at a session underway now. >> we're live in hayward. the driver of a car has been shot to death by police, you'll hear from a man caught in the cross fire. >> and here is a school principal arrest forward trying to sell meth. it's a case sending shock
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waves throughout a south bay neighborhood. >> and a a break through that could lead to new ways to treat a deadly form of breast cancer. tonight chevron pin points the where and how of the massive fire that sent thousands of people run together hospital seven weeks ago, torkd good evening, everyone. >> and there is a larnl meeting underway. people are waiting to hear from chevron. the oil giant is now the targist a criminal investigation. >> this meeting is underway behind me and there is where investigators will be in the same place to address concerns about last month's incident. earlier, the


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